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Your feedback is important to us!

At Jigsaw Blue, we welcome all types of feedback from participants, their families, and employees about their experiences with our organisation.

Your feedback may include a compliment, suggestion, or complaint:


Compliments:  Share what you think we're doing well or recognise individuals who have made a positive impact on your experience. Your compliments motivate us to maintain excellence and acknowledge our dedicated staff.


Suggestions: Your ideas on how we can enhance our services or perform better are highly valued. Your suggestions assist us in refining our services to better align with your needs and expectations.


Complaints: If you have an experience with Jigsaw Blue that leaves you dissatisfied, we want to know about it. Your complaints may be about an individual, a specific service, or any other aspect of your interaction with us. We are committed to addressing all complaints within 5 working days.


Submit Feedback

Click the button below to submit feedback to Jigsaw Blue


Making a Complaint

If you require a hard copy of our Feedback Form, a copy is available from our additional resources below. Forms can be returned to our head office location.  


Assistance from External Agencies

If you are dissatisfied with our handling of your complaint, there are other services is available to assist you.


NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: This independent agency was established with the aim of enhancing the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. You can explore their website or contact them at 1800 035 544.

Disability Services Commissioner (DSC): DSC is an independent agency that that specialises in resolving complaints related to disability service providers in Victoria. For more information, visit their website or reach out to them at 1800 677 342.

Victorian Ombudsman: The Ombudsman is responsible for investigating complaints related to the administrative actions, decisions, and the conduct of government departments, agencies, and their staff. Explore their website or get in touch at (03) 9613 6222 for additional details.

Office of the Public Advocate (OPA): OPA is committed to upholding the rights, welfare, and dignity of individuals residing in Victoria. Further information can be found on their website or by contacting them at 1300 309 337.

Your Rights

The NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission- legislated under the NDIS Act 2013 is there to protect your rights and ensure people with a disability have the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else. It does this by outlining your rights and how organisations should deliver disability services.

Everyone has these rights including the elderly, people with a disability, young people, your carers, people from different cultures and people who believe in different religions.

Everyone has the right to make choices about their life. Everyone has the right to live their life free from neglect, abuse, violence and fear. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity by others always.


Jigsaw Blue's Feedback Policy & Feedback Form (hard copy)

Please find below our policy towards "compliments & complaints" and a hard copy of our Feedback Form

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